Enchodus ferox
Enchodus ferox is one of three species of Enchodus we find in South Carolina. Enchodus is referred to as the “saber-toothed herring”. They were decently sized fish, growing to a few feet in length. They are characterized by their massive dermopalatine (fang) at the front of their jaw. Their dermopalatine was attached to the rest of the jaw by muscle, so they are commonly found disarticulated from the rest of the jaw. E. ferox are unique in the species of Enchodus in South Carolina as they are serrated. They are similar in shape to E. gladiolus, but they are much rarer than the other species.
Scale: 1cm
Age: Late Cretaceous
Palatine Teeth
Enchodus ferox teeth are very rare in South Carolina. Their shape is similar to that of E. gladiolus, and it is possible worn E. ferox teeth are misidentified as E. gladiolus. The serrations can faintly be seen on this specimen.