
Ornithomimus means “bird mimic”, which is a perfect descriptor for this dinosaur. It lacked teeth, had long longs and its body shape was similar to that of a modern day ostrich. It is also known that at least some, if not all, ornithomimids were feathered. Its claws (ungual phalanxes), the most easily identifiable find of this type of dinosaur in South Carolina, were quite straight unlike the curved claws of tyrannosaurs or raptors.

Age: Late Cretaceous

Ungual Phalanxes

Ungual phalanxes are bones that have been highly modified. In this case, into a claw. Notice the claws are relatively straight, with a slight curve in the manual (hand) phalanx and no curve in the pedal (foot) phalanx.


This is a metatarsal (foot bone) belonging to an ornithomimid.